
Hear what our members are saying about our programs

"It Starts Here Fitness is a fantastic gym & Brad is an outstanding trainer. When I first started training I was looking to build strength & endurance & started seeing results within 3 weeks. Not only physical results, but mental results, I felt a lot better & a lot less sluggish. & with the meal plan Brad gave me I felt a lot more energized as well. I highly recommend this gym for anyone looking for a change in the fitness aspect of their life."

-Courtney Robinson


Starting a new fitness endeavor had always been scary for me. The uncertainty if I will be able to stick with it and if I will be able to keep up, kept me away from the gym. Brad and the community he has created made me feel comfortable and challenged. I used to hate working out and now I look forward to it. At the end of my 21 day challenge I decided to celebrate by spending some money on cloths I don’t need. I was so amazed to find I had dropped and entire dress size. As I stood in the dressing room crying not because it didn't fit but because it was to big I realized I’m sticking with Brad.

Nicole Jacavone

Brad is an awesome trainer! Excellent at his craft! I wouldn’t trust anyone else to be able to train me properly for Tough Mudder on June 6th 2015. My back, abs, arms and legs have never looked better. Thanks Brad for motivating me to be able to attain my personal physical goals. I have been to numerous gyms and tried multiple fitness programs but I’ve received the most results from Brad Lane at it starts here fitness. I highly recommend him to any individuals looking to improve their fitness lifestyles.

Kimberly Beauchemin

I have been working out with Brad now for about 7 months now. I started with a goal to look my best in a beautiful gown for my daughters wedding. This required dedication and a goal on my part and Brad motivated me all the way. I have to say that I have seen results in my body change as I have not seen in the past with other trainers. To my surprise, I have received many compliments on how I look in my clothes! This makes me feel happy and confident. I love his workouts and his spotless gym! Brad brings me to my potential and modifies exercises for me so that I am able to reach my potential. I feel that I am getting stronger and able to challenge myself more. I enjoy going to Brads gym because his workouts are fun, energetic and not repetitive. I plan to be a long time client!

Donna Viti

I started with “It Starts Here Fitness” about 8 weeks ago and was amazed on multiple levels of how well I did through my total body workout sessions. I lost about 16 lbs. (with my 3 times a week sessions) and my overall tone has noticeably improved. My personal trainer, Brad Lane is a likable, very professional and skilled trainer. His expertise in his field is top notch because he is a good motivator and he mixes up the sessions so they never get boring. Brad constantly checks to verify if the exercises you are performing are in good and proper form and his attention to safety is paramount to how he operates his fitness center. The facilities are clean and the equipment utilizes state-of-the-art technology. I strongly feel without reservation that this is one of the best fitness center’s Rhode Island has to offer.

Frank Kosky

I am writing this; because of my unbelievable success, I have achieved at your fitness facility. For many years I have been an active athlete; both as a gymnast and have played many sports from baseball, natural bodybuilding, track & field, swimming, cycling and fencing to name a few. Sports are a big part of my life, but regrettably I have inherited bad knees and over the many years they have taken much abuse. My final injury as you know was tearing the meniscus in both my knees, keeping me from fully living my active lifestyle. I am now 32, and I am happy to say, I am in the best shape of my life. Brad, you where able to show me many new exercises to help me strengthen the muscles around my injuries safely I never new existed. You also helped me work secondary muscles, which helped the primary muscle grow strong with no repeat injuries. Which I admit, a lack of knowledge was a big part of my problem; not knowing how to train properly with my injuries. So, instead of hurting myself worse as I had been previously doing; your knowledge and coaching has allowed me to rebuild my legs and has given me the ability to enjoy the active lifestyle I am accustomed. I have also gone back down to a size 29 waist and a 9% body fat ratio with the help of your nutrition program and regular “weigh-in” sessions. I think I will start call you the natural chemist LOL. I would recommend your facility to anyone, who wants a unique safe, fun and motivational positive atmosphere, to regain or achieve their physical fitness goals.

Jason Giglietti

Brad Lane at It Starts Here Fitness is my personal trainer. Brad has a workout plan that prepares me for all the demands of excelling at high school sports. At It Starts Here Fitness the equipment is readily available to give me a maximum cardiovascular workout as well as resistance training, speed training and muscle building. Brad works around my school, work and after school activities in order to help me meet my goals. Highly motivated, Brad is the person to go to in order to increase your abilities from good to great.

Arianna Pafume

"This is the only gym you will ever need! Brad is so knowledgeable- he understands how the body gains muscle and loses fat and will switch up the routines so you’ll never get bored. he’ll give you that push you need to get into the best shape of your life. This is the first time I have actually looked forward to working out ever! I encourage everyone to come in, take a class and see how great it is."

Tara Ponte

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Start Strong.  End Strong.  It Starts Here.

The time is now. Take some action.

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