Training Options

Spartan DEKA...  

is the decathlon of hybrid fitness racing, featuring standardized and gamified fitness tests, events, training, and competition designed to allow ALL levels the opportunity to celebrate the power of fitness. With 1,000+ annual events worldwide, DEKA has opened the door for people of all walks of life to train, test, and thrive in a globally recognized sport.


Initial DEKA testing provides a benchmark. Consistent training will improve your fitness level. Periodic testing will provide proof that the time you’ve invested in your training has improved your fitness. Keeping a DEKA re-test/event on the calendar helps to ensure training adherence. No matter what your current fitness level is, you are an athlete who trains with the purpose of becoming a stronger version of yourself every time you get a new DEKA mark.


DEKA events are not just a competition, they are a milestone of your fitness journey. In the same arena, on the same day, using the exact standards, every level of fitness can come together and celebrate fitness.

Having an event on your calendar can be a game changer for your motivation – now you’re not exercising anymore, you’re training with a purpose!

What is a deka Mark?

The DEKA Mark is a new standard of testing designed to establish an objective baseline of fitness that motivates us to consistently push our bodies. It’s standardized, allowing you to improve over time and compare your results to all DEKA athletes around the world.

DEKA is for all levels of fitness with a common goal of improving exercise adherence and celebrating fitness. To provide fitness benchmarks and celebrate fitness improvements, DEKA provides 3 testing and competition opportunities with DEKA STRONG, DEKA MILE, and DEKA FIT. All 3 provide our 10 functional fitness zones (DEKA Zones) which are based on rudimentary movements.  They are a well-rounded, low barrier of entry experience for beginners while also providing an exceptional test for high level athletes.


DEKA gamification occurs with DEKA Marks (scores) populating the DEKA global leaderboards and t-shirts and medals are provided to competitors. With consistent DEKA training and periodic re-testing, DEKA Marks (scores) improve.

In the same arena (our affiliate gyms and venues), on the same day, using the same fitness equipment, all levels come together and celebrate fitness.

We make celebrating fitness fun and enjoyable for all.

who is it for

• ALL levels of fitness
• Functional fitness enthusiasts (Bootcamp, HIIT, MetCon participants)

• CrossFit
• OCR athletes
• Runners
• Military, Police, Fire, EMS, First Responders
• Corporates (wellness programs)
• Universities, High Schools, Middle Schools

How It Works

Try a class for free 

We are so confident you'll love our workouts we want you to try it first

Show up

Show up to your free class with a smile and a positive attitude

Get to work

Let's get to work on helping you reach and exceed your goals

Let's Get SOcial